About the event & background on the updated OECD Guidlines

The event will take place on November 30, from 14.00h – 17.00h, followed by an aperitif. Barbara Dubach moderates the event, taking place in Berne at Welle 7 as well as virtually (hybrid).

The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises for Responsible Business Conduct are the most comprehensive multilateral code of conduct for corporate social responsibility (CSR). They are addressed to all internationally active companies – from small businesses to large corporations. They contain recommendations on

  • information disclosure
  • human rights
  • employment and labour relations
  • the environment
  • anti-corruption
  • consumer interests
  • science and technology
  • competition and
  • taxation.

Over the last two years, the Guidelines were updated to remain fit for purpose. The delegates of the 51 signatory countries as well the institutional OECD stakeholder from business, trade unions and NGO welcomed the updated guidelines.

The 51 signatory countries promote the implementation of the Guidelines through their National Contact Points (NCP). Alleged violations of the
Guidelines can be reported to the NCP. They offer a dialogue platform for handling enquiries and act as mediators for fostering out-of-court conflict resolution.

At the event, you will learn about the main updates of the Guidelines. Furthermore, you will get insights of stakeholders from Business, Trade Unions, NGO and academia. They will share their views on the updated guidelines and how they contribute to their implementation. Find out more here.


As the room is full, you can register for a virtual participation only (by MS Teams).
Please send a message to afin@seco.admin.ch, stating your first and last name, organisation and function.