Impact Generation & Assessment2024-02-28T14:08:22+00:00
Impact Assessment

Impact Generation & Assessment

Sustainability efforts are only meaningful if their output brings about positive and lasting change. Generating and assessing the efficiency and effectiveness, as well as the impact of an organization’s activities, is therefore crucial for driving change and multiplying effective methods.


Innovate 4 Nature

Since 2021, engageability is actively involved in establishing Innovate 4 Nature, an accelerator for nature-positive solutions. The purpose of the I4N foundation is to accelerate high quality nature-positive solutions in collaboration with strategic partners to halt and improve nature loss by 2030. The  approach involves building and incentivizing a diverse portfolio of nature-positive solutions, fostering an ecosystem bridging nature-positive solutions and strategic partners, and providing thought leadership.


  • Access to high-quality nature-positive solutions

  • Access to networks of experts and partners

  • Peer to peer exchange and knowledge transfer at events

  • Education, training and mentorship

  • Facilitation of collaboration opportunities


  • 3 successfully conducted I4N Marketplaces

  • Successful participation in partner events

  • Recognized participation in the SDG Tent during the WEF in Davos

  • 60 solutions screened by our experts

Associated projects


Integrated Value Assessment

Assessments of the socio-economic value of an organization as a whole, as well as of their products and services, and of specific programs or their sustainability commitment, are valuable decision-making instruments. Such assessments ensure that decisions are financially, environmentally and socially sound.


  • Analyzing projects and initiatives according to the SDGX Integrated Value Assessment Tool 

  • Assessing projects and initiatives according to the Social Return on Investment methodology

  • Conducting baseline and impact assessments in the field

  • Monitoring and evaluating projects, initiatives, programs and partnerships


  • SDGX Integrated Value Assessment Tool (SIVAT)
    Development and evaluation of the tool

  • Integrated Value Assessment Conferences
    In cooperation with the Swiss Post and geelhaarconsulting

News & Publications


Business and Human Rights

Upholding human rights provides significant advantages in corporate governance. Aside from compliance and risk management, and as such the avoidance of potential legal and reputational risks, championing human rights also improves an organization’s market position and productivity. In order to capitalize on these benefits entities need to examine not only their own activities but those of their entire value-chain. The UN Guiding Principles and OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business provide the necessary frameworks to establish a Human Rights Management and Due Diligence System.


  • Conducting ‘Business and Human Rights’ trainings, including workshops with boards

  • Providing assessments and gap analyses of company structures as well as business and human rights requirements

  • Developing human rights policies and human rights management systems

  • Integrating human rights policies into risk management systems

  • Evaluating risks and opportunities

  • Conducting of ‘Human Rights Risk and Impact Assessments’ in close collaboration with stakeholders

  • Developing a due diligence system along the value-chain


  • Organization of ‘Business and Human Rights’ workshops
    Workshops with focus on emerging markets, SMEs and the construction sector, among others

  • Development of ‘Business and Human Rights’ online survey
    Based on the Corporate Human Rights Benchmark (CHRB) methodology

  • Development of a ‘Business and Human Rights’ management approach
    Focus on critical sectors such as the mining, among others

News & Publications

Business andHuman Rights Integrated ValueAssessment How can wemeasure andevaluateengagementand impacts? By involving a wide range of stakeholders in evaluations and developing executable action plans. Can we translatesustainabilityimpacts intofinancialterminology? In order to identify and demonstrate impact valuation, monetary terms are recommended. What constitutesHuman RightsDue Diligence? Human Rights Due Diligence is a risk management process based on the company’s Human Rights policy. What is aHuman RightsImpactAssessment? A Human Rights Impact Assessment is a structured approach to engage affected stakeholders.
Business andHuman Rights Integrated ValueAssessment How can wemeasure andevaluateengagementand impacts? By involving a wide range of stakeholders in evaluations and developing executable action plans. Can we translatesustainabilityimpacts intofinancialterminology? In order to identify and demonstrate impact valuation, monetary terms are recommended. What constitutesHuman RightsDue Diligence? Human Rights Due Diligence is a risk management process based on the company’s Human Rights policy. What is aHuman RightsImpactAssessment? A Human Rights Impact Assessment is a structured approach to engage affected stakeholders.

Associated Projects

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