How can companies implement human rights due diligence?
A practical guide helps both SMEs and large companies to develop and implement pragmatic and effective human rights due diligence processes in line with the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines. In addition, it outlines the first steps companies can take when setting up a due diligence system. Have a look at the guide:
It was written by Focus Right on behalf of the SECO International Labour Affairs and the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA within the frame of the Swiss National Action Plan (NAP) for Business and Human Rights.
It is available in English, German, French and Italian.
Project partners
- engageability
- Centre for Human Rights Studies at the University of Zurich
- Patrick Matthey
- Marta Piazza
- Dr. iur. Iris Glockengiesser
- Barbara Dubach
- Joël Walser and
- UN Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein