About SwissBiz4Nature
The SwissBiz4Nature (SB4N) initiative creates the conditions for successful nature conservation in Switzerland and abroad, by developing a credible role for the Swiss private sector. The initiative aims to inspire corporate executives to work together and make public commitments to safeguard nature. It’s a great opportunity for companies to contribute to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). It will help explore how to manage impacts and dependencies on nature in relation to a set of targets, similar to what companies already do for their financial performance.
Objectives of workshop
Step forward as a business leader and participate in the next workshop of SwissBiz4Nature on March 17th, in Bern. The workshops helps to
- Obtain concrete guidance to develop a corporate biodiversity performance monitoring and reporting framework with the support of other SB4N stakeholders.
- Agree on the 2020-2021 actions, ensuring to increases the impact on Swiss businesses and on the Swiss conservation community.
- Start monitoring and reporting on the impacts of SB4N.
Topics to be discussed
- Exchange on the first lessons for implementing an biodiversity performance monitoring and reporting;
- Agree on the business case for nature that justifies the Action Plan;
- Finalize the proposed SB4N Action Plan that frames the 2020-2021 SB4N journey;
- Review of a common Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning strategy proposed by IUCN.
- P.J. Stephenson, Chair, IUCN SSC Species Monitoring Specialist Group and an
independent consultant on conservation and sustainability issues - Eva Spehn, Scientific collaborator, Swiss Biodiversity Forum
- Bertrand de Montmollin, Chair, IUCN Swiss National Committee
- Florian Reinhard, IUCN Monitoring & Evaluation Manager
- All participants wishing to present their biodiversity measurement scheme.
The workshop will be facilitated by Gérard Bos, Director of IUCN Global Business and Biodiversity Programme BBP, and Barbara Dubach, founder and CEO of engageability.
For more information on the workshop and to register, click here.
For more information on engageability’s stakeholder engagement programs, click here.