About Focused Reporting
Focused Reporting is a Swiss-wide benchmark analysis of integrated annual and sustainability reports. The project was launched in 2015 by öbu and engageability, in close collaboration with RepRisk and a top-class consortium of multi-stakeholder experts. The methodology is based on WBCSD ‘Reporting Matters’ methodology, slightly adopted to Swiss needs. To further promote transparent reporting on key issues, the project Focused Reporting has been expanded over the years, focusing more precisely on the credibility and relevance of material issues and sustainability priorities. In 2019, the assessment also included relevant elements from the study Environmental hotspots in the supply chain of Swiss companies (2019), commissioned by the Swiss Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN).
This year’s benchmark covers some 120 Swiss companies from 14 sectors, highlighting trends in sustainability reporting, contributions towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and concrete targets Swiss companies are setting to reduce their footprint.
Key results
Among others, companies have the biggest improvement potential in the following areas:
- Conducting a materiality analysis and disclose process and results
- Setting SMART and impact-oriented targets up to 2030
- Engaging stakeholders and disclosing as well as integrating stakeholder feedback
- Focusing on hotspots along the value chain
- Reporting on critical cases/issues of the company and industry
About Forum ö
engageability presented the aggregated results of “Focused Reporting 2019” at Forum Ö on 31st October 2019. Forum ö is the forward-looking Swiss annual conference in the field of economics and sustainability. Organized since 1989 by öbu, Forum ö stands for authenticity and innovation. Once a year, the Forum ö brings together leading Swiss companies and traditional brands with thought leaders. This year, the conference focuses on “Entrepreneurial sustainability: People as bridge builders”. Among others, it will host a break-out session on the Focused Reporting benchmark 2019.
For more information about Forum Ö, click here.
For more results and best practices, go to www.focusedreporting.ch.