About the event

On January 25, 2025, the symposium Change of Perspective on Climate Protection will take place at Kulturpark Zürich. Immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Swiss climate protection in action. Experience in the simulation game postfossilCities how cross-sector cooperation multiplies the impact of climate protection measures.

One symposium – three interlocking, individually bookable modules:

  1. Workshop with the postfossilCities simulation game (morning) – fully booked
  2. Interactive panel with experts (lunchtime) – seats available
  3. Building a community of practice (afternoon) – seats available

Perspektivenwechsel Klimaschutz - Change of perspective Climate protection

Target group

The event is aimed at people from business, public administration, politics, educational institutions and civil society organizations as well as interested private individuals. The target group is broad, as cooperation between different players is central to effective climate protection.

Team, supporters and partners

The symposium is being held under the patronage of RCE Zurich (Education and Learning for Sustainable Development in the Greater Zurich Area).

Barbara Dubach will support this event as moderator from the podium. She was responsible for the “postfossilCities” project in the program management of NRP73 (2018-2023).

Further partners:

  • NRP73 Sustainable Economy (nfp73.ch)
  • Hamasil Foundation (kulturpark.ch)
  • Empa (empa.ch/web/pfc)
  • OST (ost.ch)

Organization team:

  • Markus Ulrich (ucs.ch)
  • Ueli Nagel (rce-zurich.ch)
  • Clemens Mader (www.ost.ch, rce-zurich.ch)
  • Michaela Kuijvenhoven (transformationscout.ch)
  • Sabine Mehring (mehrnachhaltigkeit.ch)

Get registered

Thanks to the support of NRP73 Sustainable Economy, participation in the symposium is free of charge.
Further information on the event and registration can be found here: RCE Zurich.