The SSF Business Day is aimed at thought leaders from business, science and politics. Exciting keynotes will be held by personalities such as Ellen MacArthur, founder of the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, or Adrianne Gilbride, Environmental Sustainability Project Manager at on running.
Join our deep-dive session on ‘circular economy in construction‘ with Prof. Philippe Thalmann, EPFL, René Zahnd, CEO, Swiss Prime Site and Barbara Dubach.
At the same day, the winner of the Green Business Award will be announced. For the third executive year, engageability was part of the pre-jury selecting the best business solutions which combine ecological innovations with economic success. Among the finalists are Energy Vault, Kyburz CH and Planted Foods.
Registration: With the following Link you will receive a 10% discount on the entrance ticket until the end of July. We would be happy to meet you on site.