About the event
I4N (Innovate 4 Nature) is hosting an I4N Dinner in the SDG Tent, focusing on how businesses can understand dependencies on nature and turn them into opportunities and sustainable growth. The event will showcase how nature-positive solutions can address global challenges, while driving business success.
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About the SDG Tent
The SDG Tent is an inclusive and collaborative community and meeting point for organizations to accelerate impactful change and deliver on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), during the World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.
The Tent is an impartial and open space, where ideas, thought leadership and unhindered dialogue can flourish and progress the global debate around the role of business and its capacity to deliver sustainable and inclusive development.
The SDG Tent showcases data, knowledge and best practice on the SDGs, so that participants understand what they need to do to deliver positive change in the UN’s ‘Decade of Action’, as well as the challenges we face.