SDG SDGs – A Strategic guiding framework for forward-looking companies

The 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are the compass for a sustainable future. Companies, that align their strategic objectives to the SDGs, will benefit in many ways. For example, by strengthening their competitiveness or opening up new business opportunities. respACT – Austria’s leading business platform for sustainable development, organizes in cooperation with engageability and The Institute for Business Sustainability, supported by
the Tyrol Chamber of Commerce and the Carinthian Chamber of Commerce, an online workshop on the SDGs.

In the three-hour online workshop, which will be led by the two internationally renowned renowned sustainability experts Barbara Dubach and Katrin Muff, you will learn how companies can address and prioritize the SDGs. This with the help of the process steps of the SDGXCHANGE tool they developed. Discuss and elaborate on the challenges that arise with regard to and how you can solve these challenges. In addition to the two experts, high-ranking company representatives will provide insights into the practical implementation.

Place and time: Zoom-workshop, on 17 November from 1.45 pm until 4.30 pm
Language: German
Find out more and get registered: Flyer (in German)